It’s been a few months now since I have started my own personal training business in Nantwich and while I didn’t have any fear about the training side of starting my own business, as I have been providing personal training services for several years now, I did have some concerns about going it alone and setting my own business.
A lot of my clients are parents, as I suspect many of you are too. I can image a situation where their child comes up to them and says, ‘There’s a thing that I want to do, but I’m scared that it will be too hard or difficult to do’. What would their response be? ‘No worries, mate – you’re best off avoiding doing that. Don’t do the scary thing, as everything new is scary. You’re better off not trying something or taking a risk.’
I really don’t think that that would be the advice that any of my clients or any other parent would give their child!
Most parents would say something along the lines of ’Yes, some things are scary, but that’s okay. They get less scary when you give them a go and it’s okay not to be brilliant at something straight away.’
Their child might then say something along the lines of ‘But what if people laugh at me? Or make fun of me’. They’d probably reply: ‘So what? Let them. You should let other people stop you from doing things that make you happy and feel good.’
So why don’t you follow the advice that you’d give your child.
You can come and train with me. I’ll help you develop your fitness and work with you to achieve the fitness goals that you have. Maybe you want to get a bit fitter generally, maybe you want to get stronger, or you might want to lose those stubborn last few pounds of weight. You can be in a place where you can achieve these goals.
Or you can continue to stand in the corner, scared to get started, worried you'll be judged or laughed at by people who don't matter. Letting that fear hold you back.
When you're ready to step up and do the hard thing (which isn't as big and scary as you've made it in your head), I'm here to help you out and cheer you on.
As are the LOTS of other awesome clients that I have in my club.
We all started out scared. Some of us still are. But we don't let that stop us, and it shouldn't stop you either.